Lifecare foundation initiative towards awareness and promoting dental services
Lifecare foundation as a part of its mission of Sehatmand Punjab has established Dental OPDs at Kisaan Mazdoor ekta Hospital, Chollang, Jalandhar and Gurdwara KALGIDHAR SAHIB DORAHA.
Dental clinics are fully equipped with latest equipments and is managed by qualified and experienced team.
Objective of establishing dental set up is to provide, aware people about the dental health issue which is majorly ignored across India. Further dental setups availability is rare in the rural and remote areas.
Our dental clinics runs at charitable rates and services are offered at very affordable price. Qualified dentist is available at per the slots provided so that quality of services can be offered.
We believe that people should be educated about importance of dental health issues and should contact dentist at regular interval.
Other than awareness, affordability is also a major factor why people avoid contacting the dentist. Therefore to overcome such issue we have opened the dental service.
Further we believe healthily habits helps in keeping society fit thus we promote healthy lifestyle through our various services.
Through this programme we are able to impact patient lives and continuing the same. This is not only impacting people lives medically but financially too as at very affordable cost needy one can get their preventive screening done and gets the doctors and diet consultation without any additional cost.